Club update from the Board of Trustees Hello fellow club members! 2019 is off to a good start with several of our members already distinguishing themselves. In the LNYC annual Ice Bucket Regatta our own Nancy and Neil Treadgold took first place in Non-Spin division with their Catalina 25 “Pair R Sailin”! Way to go! The Icicle Series is underway but not over and ourOYC members are doing quite well so far. We won’t jinx them by mentioning any names or predicting victories, except to say that if they stopped washing the bottom of their hull with their spinnakers in the middle of the race, they would probably do a whole lot better …you know who you are. 😉 Lots more chances to race are coming up in the next few months, be sure to check out the racing scheduleon the OYC website for more details and races through the year. We hope to see all our members out there and competing. · Mar 9 - Mar 10: LNYCKeelboat Midwinters · Mar 23: OYC 150 Bridge Race · Apr 7: PYC Fellowship Series Race #1 · April 17: OYC Wed Night Series Race #1 · Apr 27 - Apr 28: LNYC HospiceRegatta Remember that the OYC Racing Committee always needs volunteers to help run our races, so please look for an opportunity to help. The committee boat was repaired and extensively cleaned out last year, so it is a much more pleasant experience on CB Duty. If you are worried about knowing how to do it, or even being comfortable in helping please reach out to one of our board members. We would be more than happy to meet you at the CB and give a lesson on running a race. We can even take you out on the lake and run through the paces of setting up a line. If you are willing but just need help during a race, we can help get you a mentor to work with you during the event.
Welcome New Members We have a new addition to our club! Please welcome Steveand Yvonne Short.They skipper a Hunter 22 named “Rising Sun”. The have been active racers in other parts of the Carolinas and are looking forward to joining us for races on Lake Norman. They are planning to sail in the LNYC Midwinter Regatta this March and are very interested in adding a third person who has sailing knowledge and importantly, who has local knowledge of the wind, water and the courses used for races on Lake Norman. If any of you OYC sailors want to join them feel free to reach out them. Just ping me for their email address or phone number. Annual Chili Cookoff We had a great annual Chili Cookoff this year. Unfortunately, the rental fees for the old clubhouse location went very high this year and we had to look elsewhere. Bob Nolan, our new Rear Commodore found us a new venue for the event at Eleven Lakes Brewery, and it turned out terrific.

After all, what sailor doesn’t like meeting at a brew pub? In exchange for buying their beer, Eleven Lakes let us use the space for free, providing tables to set up and places to plug in. It was also our first try using SignUp Genius for a party event and that worked out extremely well too.

We had a nice distribution of chili and sides and enough food that we opened the contest up to the other bar patrons for voting on the best chili. Bob Davis won with his unusual, but delicious, Chicken and Green Chili dish. Steve Battelwon the desert with his Key Lime Pie.

Unfortunately, the camera ran out of memory early in the night! More pictures next time.

Unfortunately, our sole physical asset, the Committee Boat, suffered damage during a storm this past month. We are not sure which storm,but one of them resultedin the canvas enclosure collapsing with broken support rods. The collapse also resulted in some ripped fabric. The Racing Committee will be looking into repairs in the coming weeks. If any members know of a reliable source of aluminum support rods, or has the skill set to repair them, or knows a reputable bimini repair shop please contactone of the Board Members or Racing Committee members.
Minutes for Outrigger Yacht Club Board of TrusteesMeeting, December 28, 2018
Called to order at 6:00 pm at Lake NormanSailing Club
Board Members Present: John Olsen, Commodore, Richard Blocker, Vice Commodore, John Scharer, Member at Large, Bob Nolan, Rear Commodore, Steve Holbrook, Past Commodore.
1. Reading of the Minutes
a. Motion made, seconded and approved to wave reading of minutes from previous meeting
2. The board made and approved a motion to wave formal structure for the evening. The purpose of the meeting:
a. Brainstorming and working session to determine volunteers needed for 2019
b. Review dates of events
c. Structure Sign Up Genius.
3. Board successfully completed the working session and set the next board meeting for April 9th at LNSC. Adjourned at 7:30pm